Octal To Decimal conversion Questions

Here, 47 questions are available on topic " Octal to Hexadecimal " or " Hexadecimal to Octal " conversions

Question 12. Convert octal 643 to hexadecimal.

Solution: 143

Question 12. Convert hexadecimal 451 to octal.

Solution: 2151

Question 13. Convert octal 726 to hexadecimal.

Solution: 1F6

Question 14. Convert hexadecimal 553 to octal.

Solution: 2513

Question 15. Convert octal 732 to hexadecimal.

Solution: 1FA

Question 16. Convert hexadecimal 6B4 to octal.

Solution: 3254

Question 17. Convert octal 804 to hexadecimal.

Solution: 204

Question 18. Convert hexadecimal 987 to octal.

Solution: 4607

Question 19. Convert octal 776 to hexadecimal.

Solution: 1FE

Question 20. Convert hexadecimal B1A to octal.

Solution: 5432

Question 21. Convert octal 1234 to hexadecimal.

Solution: 29C

Question 22. Convert hexadecimal C9F to octal.

Solution: 6147