Question 43. Convert octal 437 to hexadecimal.
Solution: 11F
- Convert octal 437 to binary: 437 (octal) = 100 011 111 (binary).
- Group binary digits in sets of 4: 0001 0001 1111.
- Convert to hexadecimal: 0001 (1), 0001 (1), 1111 (F) = 11F (hex).
Question 44. Convert hexadecimal B24 to octal.
Solution: 5450
- Convert hexadecimal B24 to binary: B = 1011, 2 = 0010, 4 = 0100.
- Group binary digits in sets of 3: 101 100 001 010 010.
- Convert to octal: 101 (5), 100 (4), 001 (1), 010 (2), 010 (2) = 5450 (octal).
Question 45. Convert octal 572 to hexadecimal.
Solution: 17A
- Convert octal 572 to binary: 572 (octal) = 101 111 010 (binary).
- Group binary digits in sets of 4: 0001 0111 1010.
- Convert to hexadecimal: 0001 (1), 0111 (7), 1010 (A) = 17A (hex).
Question 46. Convert hexadecimal 5D3 to octal.
Solution: 2733
- Convert hexadecimal 5D3 to binary: 5 = 0101, D = 1101, 3 = 0011.
- Group binary digits in sets of 3: 010 111 101 011 001 011.
- Convert to octal: 010 (2), 111 (7), 101 (5), 011 (3) = 2733 (octal).
Question 47. Convert octal 1776 to hexadecimal.
Solution: 3FE
- Convert octal 1776 to binary: 1776 (octal) = 001 111 111 110 (binary).
- Group binary digits in sets of 4: 0011 1111 1110.
- Convert to hexadecimal: 0011 (3), 1111 (F), 1110 (E) = 3FE (hex).