Boolean Algebra Questions

here, 53 question are given for pratice boolean algebra

These questions are generally asked in university exam

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Question 26: Simplify the Boolean expression (A + B)(A' + C).

Solution: AC + A'B

Question 27: Simplify the Boolean expression A + A'B'.

Solution: A + B'

Question 28: Simplify the Boolean expression A'B + AB'.

Solution: A ⊕ B

Question 29: Prove that A * A' = 0.

Solution: 0

Question 30: Prove that A + A' = 1.

Solution: 1

Question 31: Simplify the Boolean expression A + AB + A'B'.

Solution: A + B'

Question 32: Simplify the Boolean expression A'B + A'B'.

Solution: A'

Question 33: Simplify the Boolean expression AB + AB'.

Solution: A

Question 34: Simplify the Boolean expression A(A' + B)(A + B').

Solution: AB'

Question 35: Simplify the Boolean expression A'B' + AB + A'B.

Solution: B + A'

Question 36: Simplify the Boolean expression (A + B')(A' + B').

Solution: B'

Question 37: Simplify the Boolean expression A(B + C') + A'B.

Solution: B + AC'

Question 38: Simplify the Boolean expression A + (A'B)' + A'C.

Solution: A + B + C

Question 39: Simplify the Boolean expression A + A'B + A'B'.

Solution: A + B'

Question 40: Simplify the Boolean expression (A + B)(A' + B).

Solution: A + B

Question 41: Simplify the Boolean expression (A + B')(A + C').

Solution: A + B'C'